Chap 2: Linearizatin
example 1
nonlinear r: $i_r = e^{V_r}$
So we obtain, here C = 1
replace $e^{V_0 + \delta V} \approx e^{V_0} + e^{V_0} \delta V$\
So we havee
Thus means
Because $i_r|_{V_r = V_0} = e^{V_0} = 2, V_0 = ln(2) = 0.693$
so, simplyfied equation:
Then do laplace transform $\mathbb{L}$
example 2
V(t) is input, now select varaible
So we obtain
Find balanced point, suppose input $V(t) = V_0 + \Delta V(t), i(t) = i_0 + \Delta i(t), y(t) = y_0 + \Delta y(t)$\
Then we have, by set $\dot{X} = 0$
now express Phase variable balanced poit with input balanced point $V_0$
Thus means
Now define $\delta X \equiv X - X_0, \delta V = V - V_0$
Thus means
Then calculate the poles of linearized model:\
if poles are all in left plane <=> the model is stable!!!
Then verify it is Controllable or Not?
If so, we could control it, to make the model stable